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Volunteer Testimonial: Jim Tompsett

When I reflect on our trip to El Sauce and the adventure of assisting the local populace building a much needed rural school through Enlace Project I become very emotional. Yes, “choked up.” Why? Because it was a life changing and life affirming event for me. I was part of a twenty member group from Avon, New York, the “Avon for Nicaragua” group, made up of six high school Interact students, various teachers, principals, a librarian, counselors, an engineer, a tile installer and three youth ages 11, 11 and 13, plus myself and another dedicated Rotarian. I took my 11 year old granddaughter, Olivia and 13 year old nephew, Christian. They, along with Ella, daughter of the other Rotarian raised $1100.00 for building materials for the school. We all paid our own expenses. Everyone worked hard. The children contributed a great deal in terms of work, energy, emotional and psychological support. We feel so affirmed in our efforts as the residents were very gracious, friendly, helpful and thankful.

Much credit goes to the Enlace Project support team in country. These folks are diligent, dedicated and extremely well organized. May God Bless all those involved.

Dr. Jim Tompsett

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